Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful
Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful


Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful, in partnership with Keep America Beautiful, coordinates the Great American Cleanup™, a localized cleanup, beautification and community improvement program.

The Great American Cleanup is open to volunteers of all ages!

Participation is free, easy and rewarding!

How does it work?

1.   Make a list of places to clean and select one or two.

2.   Ask your friends, neighbors, and colleagues if they’d like to help.

3.   Figure out the best day for your cleanup.

4.   Use neighborhood Facebook or social media to get more helpers!

5.   At least two weeks before your cleanup date, click the registration

     button below to sign-up.

a.   If working with a company or organization, put that name on the “company” line; otherwise leave it blank.

b.   Type in the area or street names where you want to clean.

c.   Type in the date you would like to clean (needs to be at least two weeks after your registration).

d.   Choose the site where you will pick up your supplies.

e.   Choose if you also want recycling bags to use for separate collection of cans and bottles*.

f.    NEW THIS YEAR: Yellow bags cannot be left on the curb where you clean. Bring filled bags home and set them out with your trash. If cleanup site is a school or business, yellow bags may be left in their dumpsters.

*Recycling bags (if used) can be brought to either KNIB facility.  Please separate aluminum from other recyclables: plastic, paper, and glass.

*For recycling pickup at your house, CONTENTS of bags must be placed in your bin. Any recycling left in bags, whether in the bin or on the curb, will be treated as trash. Curbside recycling facilities cannot process bagged recyclables.

On the day of your Clean Up:

  1. Have your group gather and meet you at the location you've selected to clean.
  2. Distribute materials. We recommend that if any of your helpers are elementary-age students, they work in pairs with one holding the bag while the other uses the tongs, switching off periodically.
  3. Bring full yellow bags home to be placed with your trash.
  4. Return tongs, vests, and unused bags and gloves (dirty or not).
  5. Take lots of pictures and send them to


Questions? Call Roxanne 779-210-8656 


To register and choose your supply pickup site, click on the link below.


Click to download pdf

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