Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful
Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful


KNIB has Recycle Centers in Rockford,  Machesney Park, and South Beloit.

We have two online pages named

What We Do & Don't Take and Household Hazardous Waste. Please refer to these pages before visiting our Recycling Centers.

Your local trash hauler has a list of items they recycle. For more information, contact them directly.

Our Locations

Main Office/Rockford Recycle Center

4665 Hydraulic Road

Rockford, IL 61109

Drop Off Donation Hours:

Tuesdays       2:00pm - 5:00pm

Saturdays      9:00am - Noon

We are closed most holidays, if the weather has a heat index over 95 degrees, or a wind chill below zero.

Machesney Park Recycle Center:

8409 N. Second Street 

Machesney Park, IL 61115

Drop Off Donation Hours:

Wednesdays  2:00pm - 5:00pm

Saturdays      9:00am - Noon

We are closed most holidays, if the weather has a heat index over 95 degrees, or a wind chill below zero.

South Beloit Recycle Center:

624 Eastern Avenue

South Beloit, IL 61080

Drop Off Donation Hours:

2nd Saturday of the month

9:00am - Noon

We are closed most holidays, if the weather has a heat index over 95 degrees, or a wind chill below zero.

Recyclables should be sorted into the following categories:

Clean cardboard, chipboard and brown paper

Clean office paper and mail

Clean books and magazines

Clean clothing, shoes and fabric

Clean plastic

Clean glass bottles and containers (remove metal lids/plastic lids can stay on)

Clean tin cans and scrap metal

Clean aluminum cans and foil

TVs and electronics

RATES- Recycling charges apply for TVs, Computer Monitors,

and any items containing refrigerant.

Projection TVs, Wood Console TVs:  $30 each

Large TVs/Monitors (19" and Over):  $25 each

Small TVs/Monitors (Under 19"):      $20 each

Refrigerant Removal:                      $25 each

All forms of payment are accepted.

Illinois Electronic

Products Recycling &

Reuse Act effective

Jan. 1, 2012 prohibits

disposal of unwanted

electronics in the

regular trash for burial

in landfills.

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